Trusting Beauty

Have you seen the daffodils? The breathtaking forsythia? The stunning azaleas that courageously show off their fabulousness despite cold nights that are still dipping into the 20’s? These early blossoms thrive despite the cold nights and raw, cloudy days, and remind me of the promise of Taurus season, which began on April 20. Determination and beauty mix with an earthy sensuality that flirts with the question, “What do I have?” 

Taurus challenges us to think about our earthly resources and the values we stand for. How does it feel when you find the balance–the sweet spot between having what you need to survive and having enough faith to trust the flow of life and the ability to rest in deep contentment? What happens when your loyalty to the material world causes you to miss the beauty that is accessible when you jump off the survival train long enough to notice–colors, birdsong, laughter, and the deep sound of the earth turning toward the sun?

What would it feel like to be delighted by life even as you are grounded in the earthly tasks of getting your physical needs met?

You might think– “Girlfriend, I gotta choose which bills are getting paid this month, because there’s not enough to go around. Delight? In what universe?”

I hear you–AND– what if delight, beauty and contentment WAS the path of safety and security, instead of something you might be able to enjoy later, after you’ve worked to the point of exhaustion?

This week, can you trust enough to TRY to put delight and beauty first, or at least try to inter-weave them into your workday? Rub a bit of massage oil into your skin before your shower, cut some branches of forsythia and put them in a vase on your kitchen table, be present with your child’s laughter, or put down your phone and really listen to the birds as you drink your morning coffee. 

What might happen if you were deliberate and intentional in this way for a few moments every day this week? Record any changes you notice about your sense of safety, wellbeing and feelings of worthiness in your journal.

If you're interested in learning more or are in need of more support, reach out to book a discovery call today.  The process is super simple to support you in change… Book a complementary call and we will discuss your specific needs and situation.  Then, we’ll clarify which options will be best to support you and discover what your next best steps could be to uncover and understand the various sides of yourself and how you can step into your most empowered self in life, relationships and business.

For your convenience, the scheduling link is below:

I look forward to talking to you soon!

Beautiful blessings,



The Energy of Creation


Transcendent Minds Podcast with Peter Michael Dedes