The Liberator

A force to be reckoned with when self-sabotaging thoughts might overwhelm us.

This week I have been drawing on the energy of the Liberator archetype. When my tendency is to allow feelings of anxiety and overwhelm to take over, the Liberator offers much needed support. Stacey Couch, Spiritual Director, has a brilliant article on the Liberator you can read here. She writes that our fears and illusions can keep us captive, and that that self-abusive thoughts often feel like they hold us hostage.

In the face of these thoughts, the Liberator reminds us to keep using the tools we know have saved us before (exercise, talking to friends, grounding, gardening, therapy, etc.). The light side of the Liberator must live according to the belief that her ideals will triumph in the face of discouragement and despair, even if the outside world has not yet shown signs of redemption. If anxiety is present, what conscious choice must we make in order to return to equanimity? If self-criticism or self-loathing are present, what would it look like to require ourselves to actively make the choice to invoke understanding and compassion?

The Liberator doesn’t take no for an answer. She remembers there is more to life. She acknowledges oppressive thoughts and recognizes them as old patterns she has no obligation to live by anymore. She makes one determined choice at a time until she starts to gain momentum. She becomes more curious than defeated when setbacks happen, and feels fine about needing to adjust her plan when needed. Eventually, she becomes a formidable, undaunted presence that knows her truth, courage and value. With enough practice, the oppressive thoughts will eventually get tired, realize they’ve met their match and give up. Finally, she can walk free. Self-confidence is born and she brings her stronger, wiser, kinder, more compassionate self forward for the liberation of everyone.


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