Use the Wisdom of the Dancing Shiva to Transform Challenges

On the last weekend of November, I had the privilege of attending a program at Kripalu called The Altar Within, led by my dear Mantra Teacher Rajeshwari Gretchen Carmel. The focus of the weekend was on the Dancing Shiva, or Shiva Nataraj. 

Shiva Nataraj dances through fire, metaphorically, the fire of life. His dance mirrors the cycles of life that give us birth, death and renewal, and inspires us to be graceful and playful as we navigate life's challenges and changes.

For me, it was an important reminder to consider how I will engage with challenges that I'd just as soon not deal with at all. Facing challenge and change is inevitable– the question is, how do I show up in a way I can be proud of, that maintains my connection with others, that brings my best, most hopeful, most compassionate self-forward? 

Thinking this way always brings me back to the archetypes and how easy it is to empower ourselves, even in difficult times.  

 It reminds me of the Guardian of Self-Esteem who embodies the highest light of the Victim archetype. She holds one hand out in front of her, palm facing outward in a stance that communicates she is not to be messed with, and holds the other hand palm up, like a cup that overflows with compassion. 

Picture this in your mind. Can you see how strong she is? She's accessible at any time and within you too…she's within all of us, if we just see it, feel it and embody it.

 To hold strong boundaries within ourselves and others, with overflowing compassion feels like a solid image to focus on as we navigate this magic and mystical time together.


Archetypal Work IS Energy Work


We Can Choose During an Unsettled Time