Archetypal Work IS Energy Work

Have you considered that archetypal work is also energy work?

Archetypes are patterns of energy that shape our behaviors, motivations and life choices.

Here are a few examples:

 The Queen in the shadow can be bossy, power-hungry and suspicious of others who might want to usurp her power. In the light, she learns to seek guidance from trusted mentors, and uses her tremendous personal power to create just systems that work for the benefit of everyone. She may also see herself as an extension of the Divine Feminine.

 The Saboteur has a plan for her life but continually gets in her own way. This can show up universally or be regulated to a specific life area, such as money, work or relationships. Think: procrastination, creating drama, doubting herself, second-guessing, etc. In the light, she creates the focus and fire she needs to steadily work toward her goals. As she stops blocking herself, she opens herself up to more and more of her own beautiful Becoming.

 The Student is characterized by an insatiable love of learning. This archetype incorporates themes such as learning, wisdom, knowledge, creativity and action in the world. In the shadow, the Student may hide behind learning…always going for just one more certification before she’ll be ready to put her work into the world, and maybe being dogmatic about what she knows. In the light, the Student uses her wisdom and knowledge as a springboard to create something entirely new for everyone.

 The Femme Fatale might start off as the mean girl on the playground or work place, maybe bullying and deliberately sabotaging other girls or women due to her own lack of power in a patriarchal world. In the light, she becomes a powerful leader that inspires and shows other women the way to their own power.

 We are ALL impacted by archetypes whether we know it or not. If we’re not aware they’re there, they tend to run us through their shadow sides. If we take the time to learn which ones are most present for us, we can make sure we’re expressing them, as best we can, from their light sides.

 The question becomes – which patterns are authentically yours, and how are you managing them? Which areas of your life do you see these– in relationships, at work, with your family of origin, with your relationship to power and/or money?

 In my client sessions and workshops, I have people FEEL the difference between how they're expressing the archetypes in the shadow and light. I have them practice carrying that energy with them as they approach the different issues in their lives. They practice walking, moving and problem-solving from the new, more uplifting, more empowering energy, even as they make space and have compassion for their shadow sides. 

 Then, of course, there's the whole cosmic piece we are gifted with as we make our best efforts to embody the light. 

 Archetype work is psychological, energetic, somatic and spiritual.

 The goal is to ultimately fall in love with who you are because of your patterns and inherent potential to be even more awesome and in control of your life than you already are. :)

 I’m leading a series of workshops in Keene, NH over the next three months– the first of which is on January 18. You can register for the workshop here. 

It would be such fun to see some of you there! 


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