What do Rumi, the Saboteur and Pisces Have In Common?

Rumi said, "You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?"

This quote makes my heart ache, because I see it played out so clearly, in myself, in my clients, in the world.

 I don’t think we prefer to crawl through life, but it seems to be what we so often DO. What is it about this earth plane that makes so much seem so difficult?

 Our earthly lives are filled with light and dark, joy and suffering, love and loss. Living with these dualities is part of what makes life so complex. We experience pain, confusion, and obstacles, which can sometimes make it feel like we're wading through mud.

 The frustration of this sometimes makes me want to pull my hair out and yell something obscene into the night sky, which would probably be counter intuitive because it’s been REALLY cold out, but I digress. :)

 I had a poignant conversation with a client this week.

 She feels competent, worthy and respected at work, but when she gets home, she can’t think of a single reason why anyone would like her. She ruminates about this until the next morning, when she goes to work and feels competent again.

 This is a client I know well, so I did not hesitate to (lovingly) call out her inner Saboteur. As the Saboteur moves toward the light, she learns to make strategic choices.

 I asked her how many hours she spent convincing herself she was not worthy of being liked. When she told me, we agreed it was a lot of hours to spend practicing such an unhelpful thought. I asked her what might happen if she spent her time thinking more inspiring thoughts and envisioning and working toward something she wanted to have in her life instead. If she had boundaries around her negative thinking, what might she have the energy to actively choose and create?

Sometimes we crawl through life because we haven’t challenged our conditioned thinking. And yes, depression and other mental health issues are real, AND it’s often true that a startling shift in consciousness (or a good kick in the pants) is just what we need.

 The Saboteur archetype in the light is called the Guardian of Choice. We have wings, why do we prefer to crawl through life? Living from the energy of the Guardian of Choice is an upleveled way of moving through the world. It might not be our default way of being yet, but we have access to her if we try, if we make a point to practice, if we don’t take no for an answer.

 We’ve entered Pisces season. Pisces energy is about dissolving illusions—the ones that say you are not enough, that life will always be this way, that you need more before you can begin, that your healing lies outside of you.

 The truth is that you have the power to choose. The worthiness you seek, the love you crave, the power you’re capable of, and the happiness you long for are not outside of you.

 Those qualities are not always ready at your fingertips, yet they are nowhere else but within you. They are your birthright, but you have to make the impactful decisions and choices it takes to access them. And then keep making the impactful decisions. Again and again and again.

 We were born with gorgeous, resilient, multi-colored wings. Let’s consciously engage with the struggles we encounter and use them to actively, deliberately create a kinder, more inclusive, more joyful and prosperous world for everyone.


Archetypal Work IS Energy Work