Did you know that archetypes have the power to transform your life?
Hi, I’m Carolyn, a Certified Archetypal Consultant and Women’s Empowerment Coach, who believes we all have the potential to transform our lives through greater self-awareness. Our personal archetypes literally run the core foundations of who we are, they way we think, and the way we create our lives.
What I love about working with archetypes is that when we become aware of how they operate, we can see the reasons we have areas of stuckness and why they seem so hard to shift. When we understand the potential for growth and transformation inherent in each of our archetypes, instead of perpetually re-creating the same old patterns, we have the ability to consciously create new patterns that lead to changes we want to see.
If you want to know which of your personal archetypes influence your life in the areas of relationships, happiness, money and success, please be in touch.
Do you want more happiness, confidence, or to take your life to the next level?
“This is a fascinating and insightful way to learn about yourself. My archetypal wheel IS me!”
- Katherine E.
“I genuinely admire Carolyn’s natural talent for Archetype Consultations. My archetype chart of origin consultation has proven poignant and empowering. Carolyn offered a new depth of understanding within the context of my Chart of Origin. I found her unique observations to be pivotal in my learning experiences with archetypal behavior patterns in the houses.
Carolyn has a very accepting, compassionate, and soothing personality. I found this to be an empowering quality in an Archetype Consultant while exploring the Shadow of each archetype. I highly recommend working with Carolyn on your archetype Sacred Contract journey.”
- Kathryn M.
"What Carolyn has done is combine the wisdom of the archetypes with her own deep wisdom of human consciousness and its evolution. She has allowed me to see my own life in new, better and fascinating ways."
- Christine S.
Carolyn Wallace, LICSW, is a speaker, writer and certified archetypal consultant with 20 years of experience guiding people through the transformational process. While she specializes in a range of various modalities, she has placed a special focus on archetypal consulting to help women from all walks of life access greater confidence, happiness, success, and connect to their unique life’s purpose.